Friday, April 9, 2010

The Tale of the Terrible Tour Guide

As we've already established, we here at The Bobblehead have the misfortune of working in a chemistry lab. In the spring of every year, prospective students come in, and they are usually shown around by one of the members of the lab.

You already know who was chosen today. And you can probably guess how it went.

Tell me. If you are looking at potential labs to join are you going to be particularly impressed with being run through an office while your guide screams out the names of her mates without actually introducing you to anyone?

What if said guide spends a grand total of 2 minutes describing what's going on in the lab, using such fantastic descriptions such as: " half the lab or something's doing this now..."


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ode to Washing Windows

That (above) is what we like to call genius around here ladies and gentlemen. Check the details HERE.