Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where have I seen those pants before?

In lab. Every day. That's where.


It's challenging to convey three years of agony, frustration, and indescribable stupidity to you lucky people who haven't had to suffer through it. We can't dump it all on you at once because, frankly, the sheer magnitude of idiocy would probably force a mass panic. So we'll slowly introduce you to the lunacy, one story at a time.

The first sign of the Crazy?

About two years ago, this "advanced" chemistry student was observed loosening the fittings of rubber tubing with her teeth. Patently stupid...until you consider what the tubing was filled with.

Chloroform. Which, you might have heard, isn't exactly Brita water.

The most amazing part of this story? This isn't even remotely the most stupid thing that's happened. Not by a long shot. It's just the first.

Why Chuck, why?

After 3 years of working with one of the dumbest, sluttiest, dirtiest "chemists" on the face of the Earth, we have decided to take our stories to the interwebs.
